Sunday, 7 April 2019

The primary form of cargo logistics in Africa

The African Continent is expected to make up around 20 per cent of the global population by 2050. This means that it will create a huge potential labor force and consumer market in the near future. But like any developing market, there will be numerous challenges for the continent. These challenges were the major talking point in the first panel discussion of Air Cargo Africa in Johannesburg.

Logistics Performance Still Poses as a Challenge, but Things Are Looking Brighter

During the session titled “Unlocking Africa’s Civil Aviation Potential: The Time Is Now to Set the Rules for Tomorrow” held on February 21, 2017, delegates learned much. According to the International Monetary Fund, 11 of the top 25 countries by GDP growth will be in Africa, but 18 of the bottom 20 nations with the lowest GDP per capita remain in Africa.
Other interesting statistics showed that Egypt, Kenya and

Saturday, 6 April 2019

National integration in Nigeria : problems and prospects


The problem of federalism and the associated crises of national integration in Nigeria raise serious alarm. The situation attracts growing interest and concern. The crises are very severing such that they culminate in a strong force being mounted on the federation with tendency to disintegrate the country. The works addresses this phenomenon by investigating and analysing the problem. Documentary research method is used in gathering and analysing data. So textbooks, journals, periodical publications by related government agencies formed necessary source of our data while we employed system theory for pour analytical framework. The work identifies the method of revenue allocations as the major factor responsible for the crises of national integration in the Nigerian federalism. It concludes that in face in this problem, harmonious unification or integration cannot take place,